Willow Dental Care Garrison
Dental Bridges
Dental Services
Dental Bridges in Chilliwack, BC
If you have experienced permanent tooth loss or have undergone a full tooth extraction, your dentist may recommend a dental bridge to fill the gaps left in your smile. A dental bridge is a more modest investment than a full dental implant. This type of restoration is essential because leaving any gaps in your teeth can cause the remaining permanent teeth to shift and crowd, which can not only change the look of your smile but can also affect your ability to talk, chew, and swallow comfortably.
How a Dental Bridge Works
A dental bridge is a porcelain appliance that is custom-created to complete your smile by filling gaps left by missing teeth. A key distinction between a dental bridge and a dental implant is that a bridge is bonded above the gum line, using the abutment teeth on either side of the gap as anchors, while an implant is surgically implanted. Placing a dental bridge involves shaving down and capping the abutment teeth to create posts for the bridge to bond to, while the false tooth in the centre of the bridge fills the gap.
When to Choose a Dental Bridge
At Willow Dental Care Garrison, we often recommend dental bridges as a cost-effective restorative dental treatment for patients on a modest budget or benefit plan, as they are very effective, long-lasting, and aesthetically appealing. The key difference between a dental bridge and a full implant is that healthy adult teeth have to be shaved down for the bridge to fit properly, which is something your dentist will discuss with you to find out if it’s the right option for your needs.
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